Upcoming Events
Hello & welcome back everyone. Below is this fall / winter scouting schedule:
November 7 - Court of Honor @ PBFD.
November 9 & 10 - campout TBD.
November 14 - meeting at Verkeerderkill Park, 7pm.
November 21 - meeting at Verkeerderkill Park, 7pm.
December 19 - meeting at PBFD Station 2 (where we built wreaths) - pizza party and bingo night. We will aso conduct elections for next year's SPL, ASPL and four PL's. Mr. Jaeger will be there to discuss details on the Ice Hockey Game Overnight (February 8th)
REGISTRATION renewals for 2025 will be collected this week.
December 26 & January 2 - no meetings, Enjoy your Holidays.
January 9th - Green Bar Meeting - Leadership meeting for the new SPL, ASPL & PLs only. This meeting is mandatory for newly elected troop leadership.
January 12 - If you signed up for the Game Design Day, it has been rescheduled for 12:30 - 2. If you have any questions please see Mr Dillon.
January 16, 23 & 30 - weekly troop meetings at CWV.
IF you signed up for the Horseback Riding Outing, it will be rescheduled as soon as the outfitter can arrange for a date.
February 8th & 9th - Ice Hockey Overnight
SUMMER CAMP: Scouts, if you are interested in putting together a presentation to pick summer camp, please see Mr Dillon, as he has a list of camps to pick from. January 23 will be presentation night for the Troop to vote so the Troop Committee can start making arrangements.
Click here for the full Troop 37 Google Calendar Page